Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Business Networking Groups

Organizations whose members are business people who have affiliated for the purpose of making contacts and developing mutually beneficial relationships that will further their own business interests and those of other members. Business networking groups provide opportunities for exchanging business information, ideas and support; and may be structured for young professionals, business women, international business people, organization executives, professional consultants or other specific populations.

Chambers of Commerce

Local associations of business people, either operating their own companies or employed in organizations, who have organized to promote the welfare of their community (city, county, town, township or other locale), especially its commercial interests. Chambers of commerce direct their efforts to promoting the common economic interests of all the commercial enterprises within a locality rather than focusing on a particular industry, usually have an elected board of directors, and do their work through committees. They encourage the growth of new businesses, provide assistance to new firms seeking to locate in the community, advocate for actions that promote tourism and benefit the regional economy and serve as a voice for the business community at local and state levels. Member benefits may include publicity and advertising opportunities in vehicles such as member directories, visitor's guides and a community calendar; ribbon cutting ceremonies and grand openings for new establishments; business expos; job fairs; small business counseling; business seminars; member referrals; member-to-member discounts; health and other insurance; and a variety of social activities.
