The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect domestic and wild animals from cruelty or neglect; and/or which seek to limit or prevent the use of animals for experimental purposes. Also included are organizations that oppose animal trapping, puppy mills, hunting, cockfighting, greyhound racing, the wearing of fur, the use of animals for entertainment and other similar practices.
Organizations that promote a particular practice like bilingual education, support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that will result in specific types of educational reform or other improvements in the educational system, or support specific changes in local educational institutions that will improve the delivery of services to local students.
Organizations that support basic changes in government policy, the way government is organized and/or the way government services are financed and delivered. Included are groups that support health care reform, drug policy reform, campaign finance reform, immigration policy reform, welfare reform, tax reform, term limits for elected officials and other similar initiatives.
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Organizations that are dedicated to protecting and improving the quality and affordability of health and long term care for all individuals and advocating for changes in the health care system that will achieve these goals; or which advocate more broadly for legislation and other measures such as bans on smoking that have a positive impact on public health. Specific issues may include extending the reach of childhood immunization programs, expanding services for people with specific disabilities or health conditions, funding medical research, supporting or opposing stem cell research, establishing the liability of managed health care organizations and nursing facilities for the consequences of their decisions, providing a prescription drug benefit for the elderly, passing a powerful patient's bill of rights, advocating for universal health care or taking a position on the merits of specific medical procedures or forms of treatment.
Organizations that work for legislation and other social measures that will more effectively protect the rights of the community as a whole or those of specific groups within the community.
Political Action/Lobbying Groups
Organizations that work for the introduction, passage or defeat of one or more specific pieces of legislation through attempts, including personal solicitation, to influence the way legislators vote or the content of the legislation they introduce. Also included are organizations that utilize picketing, leafleting, guerrilla theater, demonstrations, speak-outs and other similar tactics to educate the public or government representatives about a particular issue or point of view and/or to influence policy development and implementation or have an impact on the general political climate.